The ‘Somatic Education and Health Research sessions’ are opportunities to investigate the wisdom of our bodies revealed by the incredible functioning of all its parts and the many self-regulatory mechanisms that help us maintain a balanced health despite the extreme…
Teaching children and being taught by Them
The children are our teachers. In the dance, play and movement fundamentals class for children 4-6 years old, Irèni and I propose the content and they give us the pace. So, I am letting emerge those ways of presenting challenges…
Recycling as a community responsibility
The individual and collective responsibility for recycling is manifesting more and more in our community. The success of the Recycling Extravaganza continues to manifest in many ways. We still need lots of collaboration from everyone— local people, tourists from abroad…
Somatic education, stimulating trauma releasing mechanisms
Jude Driscoll, a physical therapist from Prince Edward Island, Canada, and her husband Frank, a most talented handyman, stayed with us almost a week. She shared her knowledge and practice of TRE, Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises, created by Dr.…
Non-violent communication and community
By July 2009 I wanted to study non-violent communication (NVC) and started reading the Spanish translation of the first edition of Marshall Rosenberg’s classic book which was loaned by a colleague. It was hard to maintain the motivation to read…
Montezuma Recycling Extravaganza
February 26th , 2011. In Hotel Amor de Mar, Ninoska Gómez’s “Dancing with Ball” and animation with children.
Somatic Education and Health Research
February 2nd – May 2nd, 2011. Wednesday’s Somatic Education and Health Research Sessions.
SOMARHYTHMS: Refining Somatic Awareness by Rolling, Falling and Balancing with Large Balls
I teach the latinoamerican dances through the exploration of its Amerindian, Africans and Spanish roots, thus stimulating universal arquetypes totally contemporary in today’s popular dances.” N.G
Estudio Los Almendros Vintage Footage
Near Montezuma, Costa Rica Estudio Los Almendros is a beautifull place to live.
Children’s Movement Workshop
February 5th – April 9th 2011. Ballet, Play and Movement Fundamentals, with Irèni Stamou and Ninoska Gómez.